Time to read: 4 minutes. At first, using LinkedIn groups for lead generation was like taking a stick to my eye. But once I realized 3 things I got more leads and less headaches. #1: Effective copywriting is the ONLY way to getting noticed, engaged with and responded to. #2: You’ll get more leads in less time by writing your best answers and tips as bite-sized, re-usable nuggets using simple “comment templates.” #3: Leads happen as a result of “ethically bribing” group participants with something you know they want and need.

#1: Basic copywriting skills gets response

Getting prospects to click on your profile or links inside LinkedIn groups works like gangbusters if you create irresistible curiosity in the reader. This means having:

  1. Something NEW to share
  2. Basic copywriting skills

Whether you’re starting a group discussion or responding to one, without these two things forget about it. Toss in the towel. With these two things? You’re sure to get noticed AND (the biggie) create irresistible curiosity in prospects. You’ll earn response.

Learn how to write effective copy—right now. One of the best resources to learn good, solid copywriting skills is Copyblogger.com.

Here’s a short-cut. Write these on a sticky note and hang it on your wall for reference. Every time you write responses in LinkedIn groups:

  • Speak fearlessly from the heart
  • Get to the point immediately
  • Keep the message simple
  • Use the fewest words you can
  • Eliminate adjectives and adverbs

Your success using LinkedIn groups for lead generation starts with being able to write about something important to customers—in a way that irritates, excites or somehow creates intense curiosity in you. For example, your writing must get them to say, “ah-HA!” (have a moment of clarity) and then act on that impulse.

Not sure what to write about? Check out this tutorial on coming up with blog content fast. It even includes a worksheet to get started!

#2: “Comment templates” save time & help cover more ground

I’m like you. I’ve got limited time to invest in LinkedIn groups for lead generation. So we’ve got to cover a lot of ground—quickly—and get back to calls, emails, etc. So as a seller, you have 3 challenges:

  1. getting prospects in the group to pay attention to you
  2. adding value through what you write
  3. not being seen as a seller; rather, as a “giver first”… and, of course, gettin’ those leads!

Using “answer templates” can help you overcome all of these challenges.

This is my biggest secret: Taking my best nuggets of wisdom and putting them into “comment templates” that save me time AND get more response. Here’s how it works.

I take my best insights or step-by-step instructions on “how to do ___” (something group readers clearly need to do or figure out) and write them in bite-sized portions. (75-200 words)

Then I apply them (cut, paste and lightly edit for context) every time I see an opportunity to help someone who needs it… as I’m trolling LinkedIn groups for prospects who need them.

You see, LinkedIn groups are places where prospects seek free advice, tips, shortcuts or ways to avoid risks. Within groups, discussions start as questions or commentary. Sometimes questions are the topic. Other times questions emerge as discussion unfolds. Either way, you have a chance to:

  1. spot questions and expressions of pain, fear, confusion, worry or desire and
  2. convert them into leads.

These expressions are opportunities to start using LinkedIn groups for lead generation.

Pre-write 75-200 word answers or tips that provide guidance, put out a fire or help to avoid risks. Literally jot down your best answers to commonly asked questions relating to your area of expertise. Keep them in a handy Word /word processing document for easy access.

Be sure to make everything you write ACTIONABLE. Use the classic communication model:

  • Tell them what you’re about to tell them
  • Tell them
  • Tell them what you just told them

Of course, there will be times where you will strategically share a link to more information. This is where the magic can happen.

#3: Encourage group participants to become a lead

First, I use the term “ethically bribe” customers to make a point—not suggest you bribe prospects!

This part takes finesse. But I know you’ve got it.

The idea is simple: Lay out your knowledge, tips and actionable information in ways that ALSO encourages more questions. Be specific but not so complete that the reader will be satisfied. For example, find ways to share actionable information in ways that make readers want more examples. Then make that pathway clear. Open the door for prospects by inviting contact via LinkedIn’s email system or presenting a link to your Web site (if allowed in the group).

Making this call-to-action in a way that affirms your prospects’ right to choose your advice or path (link) is critical to:

  1. Getting them to respond (at all)
  2. Creating good rapport (being seen as a “giver first”) among participants
  3. Winning over the group’s owner/manager

Here’s a real life example of how I gave actionable advice that created additional, intense curiosity that netted me leads.

linkedin groups for lead generation


Once I started using this to my advantage I started getting more leads on my Web site. Using LinkedIn groups for lead generation isn’t difficult. It just takes some experience and knowing the “better ways.”

One of the best ways to use LinkedIn groups for lead generation is to turn your best answers and tips into bite-sized, templated answers to save time and get response. Good luck!

Photo credit: Sheila Scarborough 

In 1999, I co-founded what became the Google Affiliate Network and Performics Inc. where I helped secure 2 rounds of funding and built the sales team. I've been selling for over 2 decades.

After this stint, I returned to what was then Molander & Associates Inc. In recent years we re-branded to Communications Edge Inc., a member-driven laboratory of sorts. We study, invent and test better ways to communicate -- specializing in serving sales and marketing professionals.

I'm a coach and creator of the Spark Selling™ communication methodology—a curiosity-driven way to start and advance conversations. When I'm not working you'll find me hiking, fishing, gardening and investing time in my family.

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  • Thanks for this, Jeff. I’ve had a lot of success generating leads from Facebook groups, but LinkedIn has had much less engagement from my experience so far. Will employ these strategies to start generating more leads there. Thanks!

  • Thanks Jeff for sharing these insights. It’s been not that easy for me with linkedin groups. Will try again with your advice though.

  • Been working on generating leads from Linkedin. Your 2nd suggestion about comment templates is really useful. Saves huge amount of time for me. Thus, have been killing it at generating leads from linkedin groups.. Thanks for the tips. Keep bringing more!

    • Gladly, Miranda. What groups are you working within? Shoot me a private message via email or comments here on site.

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